Supported Learners Programme

Nathan’s Story:

Nathan is 15. He suffers with severe ADHD and autism and other health issues which make his life and the lives of his family very challenging. Nathan attends Slated Row School in Milton Keynes, but he finds it very difficult to engage in activities and needed additional support, so MK Council funded him to attend our Supported Learner Programme at the Ride High Equestrian Centre.

When Nathan first came to Ride High he was scared of the horses but by week three he dared to ride for the first time and clapped for himself as he was so proud of what he’d achieved! Speaking to his step mum Aleena, Nathan usually finds it very hard to focus, is hyper-sensitive to sound and movement, and is constantly distracted and on the move. But at Ride High Nathan is learning to apply himself; to focus and to learn about the horses who he loves dearly. At home Nathan can be quite boisterous – at Ride High he respects the horses and is well behaved and happy in their company.

Nathan’s family, teachers and the team at Ride High are witnessing positive changes in Nathan’s behaviour and outlook every week. So much so that Nathan’s parents are now self-funding his weekly sessions at Ride High to support his development and to help ensure that his time at Ride High will have a long-lasting impact on his life.

Supported Learners Programme

Ride High Equestrian Centre is set in 37 acres of countryside in the heart of central Milton Keynes. It’s an easily accessible green space where young people can get active, learn new skills and enjoy being outdoors.

The team at Ride High have more than a decade’s experience delivering learning and engaging programmes, working with agencies and schools to deliver tailored programmes for children and young people.

Our Supported Learners Programme is for children and young people aged 8+. Delivered in sessions lasting up to 90 minutes for groups and 1 hour for individuals. There is no classroom element to the programme, so it really benefits young people who prefer learning through doing. This programme helps children and young people to understand more about themselves and how to start developing their interpersonal skills.

This programme supports and encourages independent learning. Each week children and young people will participate in a range of tasks and activities, designed to enhance skills, challenge their resilience and build self-confidence. Working with our horses gives them the opportunity to connect with these wonderful animals, and learn lots about themselves and the impact their behaviour can have on others. They also have the opportunity to ride each week, thus building skills and confidence.

Our programmes are tailored to meet the needs and ability of each group, outcome driven, and regular feedback is provided following each session with the children and young people.

Who is the programme for?

Children and young people aged 8+ who may benefit from extra support due to SEND, those who are Looked After Children, and/or those who may be at risk of exclusion from school or NEET.

The programme aims to:

  • Promote independent learning
  • Encourage self development
  • Build interpersonal skills
  • Raise awareness of behaviour and the impact on others
  • Develop skills and confidence
  • Increase communication skills and engagement.

How it works:

  • A ridden programme which consists of weekly modules,running over 6 or 12 weeks. We recommend a minimum of 12 weeks to gain maximum benefits.
  • Maximum of 3 children or young people, aged 8+, per group.
  • Sessions last up to 90 minutes for groups and 1 hour for individuals.
  • Each week children and young people have the opportunity to ride one of our horses as well as taking part in various activities around the yard.
  • We can offer a longer programme for those who wish to take part in a programme accredited to ABRS (Association of British Riding Schools).


For further information please contact Sam Ball.