Our Horsemastership Programme helps our graded riders learn about horse care and riding in a structured but fun way! Each month we focus on a different topic. The events are practical and hands-on, and at the end of each one you have the opportunity to take a test to earn a badge.
The next events are as follows:
How to name the parts of a horse, using the correct terminology. This session will aid your understanding of terms that you might hear your instructor or staff use when describing horses on the yard and during lessons.
Practice session on Monday 14 April 10.00 am - 12.00 pm & Exam on Friday 18 April 12.00 pm - 2.00 pm
How to ride safely on the road, use hand signals, recognise hazards and mitigate risk to yourself and others when hacking. This badge will include a ridden test - participants will attend a theory and non-ridden practice session on one date followed by a ridden test on the second date. Road Rider is only open to existing graded clients, L3 (Outdoor) and over. Numbers will be limited and it is likely to be oversubscribed.
This topic will include a ridden assessment during the second session and you MUST attend both sessions to complete the course. Participants must achieve a certain standard to receive the badge
As this badge includes a ridden session, the prices are as follows:
Members - £16
Non Members - £35
We'll be finding out more about equine feet and how we look after them. We'll be learning more about hoof care and finding out about trimming and shoeing.
We'll be looking at what makes the perfect paddock for a horse, and what things we should consider to keep our horses safe and happy.
In this session we'll be finding out what plants are poisonous to horses and how to recognise them.
We'll be learning how to correctly and safely tack up and untack horses and ponies.
We'll be learning about the clothes that horses wear - from rugs to fly masks, finding out how to fit them and why they are useful.
How to identify items in the grooming kit and use them correctly to groom your horse.
We'll be exploring the range of boots and bandages that horses can wear and learning why we use boots and bandages and which are most appropriate depending on the situation.
We'll be getting hands-on mucking out stables and learning about different types of bedding for horses.
We'll be learning the correct names for horse colours and markings and why it's important to use the correct terms for identification, before practicing what we have learned to describe a selection of horses on the yard.
Sessions in 2024 included:
Tacking Up | Plaiting | Colours & Markings | Poisonous Plants | Equine First Aid | Mucking Out | Road Rider | Grooming | Boots & Bandages
Each event costs £10 per person (or £16 including badge) – but is free for Pegasus and Unicorn members (or £6 including badge).
Road Rider costs £16 for members and £35 for non members as it includes a ridden session.
To book your place please use our online booking system EC Pro. All Horsemastership activities can be found under “Group Lessons”, EXCEPT Road Rider, which can be found under “Activity Courses” as it is a 2-session course.
Please note that in order to use the system you first need to register your details. Please click here for more information.
If you need any assistance please contact Reception on 01908 666434 or email admin@ridehighequestriancentre.co.uk.
The Ride High Equestrian Centre is a trading name of PegasusforRideHigh Limited. Registered in England and Wales no: 10392720. Registered address: Ride High Equestrian Centre, Loughton Manor, Redland Drive, Milton Keynes, MK5 8EJ. PegasusforRideHigh Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ride High Limited, a Registered Charity, No. 1138260.
Ride High Equestrian Centre
Redland Drive
Childs Way
Milton Keynes MK5 8EJ